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Stewardship Committee
Sharing our Time, Talents, and Treasure
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The 2009 - 2010 Stewardship Drive is now underway.  You should by now have received your 2010 pledge card and Time and Talent survey.  Please give prayerful consideration to your pledge for this year. 

The Finance Committee has done all it can to control costs without affecting our program at Holy Trinity.  The next step is up to you. 

You may return your Time and Talent survey with your pledge card at any time.   Place them in the offering plate, deliver them directly to the church office, or mail them in.  Thank you!    


Temple Talk
November 22, 2009
Barbara Wozniak

Last year I spoke about change. As most of us know, change is slow, however, some significant changes have been made in the way business is being done at Holy Trinity…committees were requested to thoroughly examine budgets to reduce spending, investment strategies are being challenged and a personnel committee has been formed and in the process of interviewing all employees, to mention a few.

This year's message is about simplifying…the ELCA has developed a new stewardship program for our use called “Make it Simple.” Earlier this month, letters were sent to the congregation introducing the program. You will be seeing more information about activities after the first of the year in the bulletin and church paper.

Included in that letter were several pieces of information about giving. On Sunday November 22 as part of the worship service, you will have the opportunity to present the commitment and covenant cards as part of your offering. To those of you who have already submitted your cards, “Thank You!” In making your decision in filling out the cards, I ask you to consider some opportunities for service.

As you may be aware, I have the pleasure of coordinating our prayer shawl ministry. I realized a while age that my gifts are NOT in the knitting of the shawls, but in keeping the group together, so to speak I recently was able to participate with others from the group, in one of the “worship to go” events at the Tonawanda Manor Nursing Home. Before the service began, we invited the residents in attendance to choose their own shawl. They were awed by the fact that they were receiving such an amazing gift at no charge…in fact several wanted to pay us for them! What a joy it was to see the residents peruse the colors, sizes and textures of the shawls as they made their decision. Many of them immediately wrapped themselves in the shawls and wore them during worship…thank you to all those who helped to make this presentation possible.

I was asked to participate in the worship service by reading the prayers of the day. These children of God were hungry for all of what we shared with them that day. I would like to lift up the participants of this ministry who have been sharing God's love for months and encourage you to share a couple of hours one Sunday a month. It would mean the world to the residents to see your smiling face !

Earlier that same day I had participated in “Godly Play”…our new Sunday school curriculum. Hearing the children come upstairs after the sermon was truly a “joyful noise!” I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive after I volunteered since I hadn't worked with our youngest members in years! Perhaps the most meaningful portion of my participation was when the children talked about what the story meant to them…what was the most important part to them…how wise our children are! You too, can experience this joy as a volunteer in our Sunday school program in a variety of ways that require small amounts of time commitment.

In Pastor Olsen's October 11 sermon, he mentions “raising our gaze above the shoeline”…not making eye contact….referencing situations where we try to evade the telephone call or conversation when we are asked by another to serve the congregation. Our commitment to this congregation must be the opposite…in place of averting our gaze, we must step forward, eagerly, before being asked and boldly volunteer our service!

Perhaps you'd like to gather a group for Bible or book study, participate in the prayer chain, serve on a committee or council . Perhaps there isn't a group that suits your needs…you could find others with the same interest and begin a new group. Have a conversation with the pastors, council members, committee members or church office staff. There is much work for us to do as disciples of Christ, not only in this congregation, but outside of it.

In our offering prayer we say “ May our offerings, given in your name, lift up those who are bowed” How will you use what you have been given by God to fulfill that statement? I encourage you to respond out of the abundance that is ours in Christ.



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