- If you are expecting a child or have a child you wish
to have baptized at Holy Trinity, please contact one of the pastors
to set a date for the baptism and pre-baptismal conference. |
Statement - You are welcome to share in the Sacrament
of Holy Communion at Holy Trinity. The Lord's Table is open to all
those baptized and to those who commune at their home parish. Non-communing
adults and children are invited to come forward to receive a blessing.
Holy Communion
is offered on Festival days. Also on the first and third Sundays
of the month at the 10:30 am service (10:00am in the Summer; and
on the second and fourth Sundays at the 8:30 service. During Lent,
Holy Communion is offered every Sunday as well as on Ash Wednesday
and Holy Thursday.
Holy Communion
is available for the homebound. Please contact the church office (886-2400)
to receive information on this program.
The pastors will bring the Sacrament to persons in the pews who
are unable to come forward. Please let any usher know if you wish
the pastor to do so.
- If you wish to be married at Holy Trinity Church, please contact
one of the pastors as soon as possible to secure the date and to arrange
for pre-marital conferences. |
Enhancement - If you or anyone you know is in need of a
listening device enabling one to hear the worship service better,
please ask an usher. Devices are available at both services. |
- Those persons interested in joining Holy Trinity Church, or
who would like information about the church or the Lutheran Church
in general, are asked to contact the church office via email
or at 886-2400, or stop and talk to one of the pastors after worship
on sunday. Reception of new members will take place on May 6,
and informational classes will be held on Tuesday, May 1st
at 7:00pm.
Chain - We invite you to bring your requests for
prayers -- for your personal concerns as well as those of others
-- to Holy Trinity's Prayer Chain. Contact the church office via
email or at 886-2400.
They will put you in touch with the leader of the Prayer Chain.
and Shut-Ins - If you, someone in your family, or any member
or friend of Holy Trinity is confined to hospital or home because
of illness, accident or surgery, please notify the pastors or the
church office so that they can be included in our prayers and visited
in the hospital or at home. Please be sure to notify one of the
pastors or the church office if you or someone you know is in the
hospital. Because of the privacy act, hospitals cannot give out this
information, let alone room numbers. |
School/Nursery - Nursery care for infants and young toddlers
is available at the 10:30 am (9:30 and 10:45 am in the Summer) service in the
center Sunday School Room (upstairs). Sunday School is held for children
age 3 through grade 6. At 10:30am, children begin with worship in
the church, and follow teachers to Sunday School after "A Word
for the Children." If you do not want your child(ren) to attend
Sunday School, please instruct them to return to you after the "Word
for Children." |
Desired - If you would like a visit from the pastor or
staff member, please complete a pew card or contact the church office
via email or at 886-2400
during regular office hours. |
- Refreshments are available every Sunday in the
Fireside Room with some exceptions as will be noted in the calendar
section of the weekly bulletin.